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Things to focus on when making a business website

Nowadays, if you plan on running a successful business and don’t have an online presence, the business is doomed to fail before it even gets going.  Research shows about 90% of people look for local businesses online. The best online presence is to have a website that can tell your company’s story. This means what you offer, how you came to be, the goal etc. Consumers now want to know more than just what you offer. They want to know what the brand is about as well. Here we will look at a few things that you should look at when making a website.

Simple Design

The lesser the distractions the better. This means limiting your use of fonts, colors and animated gifs that might take the attention of your customers away from the focus of your website. Bullet points and short paragraphs are encouraged. This allows the people coming to your website to read the information easily. This makes the information more digestible. Nobody wants to read too much information that will turn their heads.

Keep The Site Tidy

When making a website, it is better to keep a good balance between texts and graphics. The customer should be able to put the information in context. Too much information will overload the mind, this keeps the customers from being able to retain any new information. A simple way is to cut off social widgets. If the widget does not serve your site’s objective, cut it. Keep in mind the information you provide on the site is something your consumers will care about.

Have a Clear Objective

Every business is different because they all have varied goals. A website should be created with the purpose of the website in mind. If your website is to be a portal for customers to buy products, the website should be created with that in mind. If the goal is to provide information and have the readers call you, the website should be made with that in mind. Basically, the goal has to be pre-set. Depending on your goal the style of the website will vary.

Easy to Find

It is recommended to buy a domain for your business. The domain should be your company name or something that describes your company. Having multiple domains that direct to your website is also a way to go. Some domain providers also provide domains with extensions.

Easy Navigation

When someone comes to your website, an important thing to make sure is that they don’t get lost. it is advised to keep your top level navigation bar to five clearly labeled tabs. The other pages can be organized under these tabs. If too many pages are there, it’ll make it hard for the customers to get back to the home page. So there should be a clear way to get back to the home page no matter where the customers are.

Make The Site Mobile Friendly

A research in 2016 showed that 62% of customers made purchases through cell phones.  Over 90% use their phones to compare prices or look at product reviews. If someone has a bad experience visiting your site through their phone, they will simply take their business elsewhere. So for your site to be popular and successful, you simply must cater to mobile users.

Make it Personal

Every website has an about page now. This is where you talk about your company and what it is. You must not make this a block of text. The text you put needs to resonate with the base you are trying to attract. Make the text interactive or like telling a story. Bring personal stories that relate to your company goal to convey the message. This makes the consumers more attracted to your company. This also makes them trust you as a source more.

Add a Face

A very good move is to add a photo of the company founder or the team. This shows the customers who they are doing business with. If there is a face they can associate with the business, it puts their mind at ease. This is because they feel they are doing business with an invisible being but a real person. This makes them trust a company more.

Contact Information

If your company depends on your customers contacting you or a sales team or helpline, it is wise to put that information somewhere that is easy to find. Your customers must be able to find the contact information easily. If it takes too much time and effort they will simply lose interest. It is better to keep the information at the top of your site to make it easy for the consumers.

Accurate Information

This is redundant but probably one of the most important. The information you provide in your site must be accurate. Wrong information will turn customers away from your site. It can be from wrong numbers, outdated information or even a simple grammatical mistake. A mistake is a mistake, so each of the information should be proofread before going live.

Importance of Speed

You have to understand and respect the need for speed of the customers. This means your website cannot be buggy or lag. The experience the customers have in your website should be seamless and fast. The flow cannot be interrupted when going through your site. A research showed 83% of people said slow sites make them have a negative reaction about the site. People will take their business elsewhere if your site takes too long to load. So keeping the software updated and the site smooth is a must.

Call to Action

Your website cannot be a place where people just come and go. Your website and contents in it should persuade people to do something. It can be a sign up for a service, buy a product or download something. You need to have a clear invitation for these things, a button or a link or anything. Try keeping them above the fold. So that people can access it easily.

Create Your Own Content

Your content should be original. Plagiarized content will make your customers lose trust in your site. You should make your content and then have a professional can polish it. As you know best what your message is you should make the content first.

At Halcyon, our Website Development Team makes sure to keep these aspects in mind to create a site that will best serve you. Halcyon makes sure the site serves your goals just the way you want. Our contents writers make original content for our clients’ websites. They are always different from one another. Halcyon keeps each of these things in mind when making a website for a client.