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Things to look out for when creating content

After many studies, results are in. Content marketing, when done right gives you much better ROI than paid ads. About 88% of businesses use content marketing to generate leads and push sales. Just knowing content marketing is the better option isn’t the problem. The problem company’s face is creating contents that stand out. Social media is flooded with new content every hour. So making posts that people are attracted to or a post that stands out among these millions is the struggle. Content making is not as easy as posting some blogs or pictures over a year. You need proper strategies, knowledge of trends and other factors that you should keep in mind while making a post. At Halcyon we deal with many different types of content, here are some of the factors you should keep in mind when creating content.

Content length

There is much debate among experts about the length of content. Some think longer posts (1000-2000 words) are the best option while others think shorter posts (400-600 words) are better. The length can vary from campaign to campaign. But one thing is for sure, you should not make your content unnecessarily long. What we mean by that is if you can say your piece in 500 words, that’s how long it should be. It is a bad move to stretch your content. This may cause your audience to lose interest. You should keep in mind the subject and only use as much space you need.

Visual content

Most times words can fall short. That is because 65% of the populations are visual learners. That is 2/3 of your potential audience. So to grab their attention or to engage them it is better to have visual content along with your writing. Visual content can be any images, graphics or video. Visual content is usually very effective to get your brand or companies message through. When making visual contents, always make sure the image or graphic you use is crisp or good resolution. Also the post cannot be cluttered. That means making sure the post looks clean.

Engaging and thought provoking content

An engaged audience will hang on to your every word. The only way to get an engaging audience is to make sure your posts are engaging.

A good form of engaging audiences is to ask questions. By this we don’t mean make incomplete posts. What it means is to create posts and leave them with questions, which they can answer with the knowledge you provide in the post.

Another thing to look at is your introductions. An introduction must be catchy. That means make sure the first few sentences pulls your audience in. Most cases audiences read a few lines and decide if they will continue. This is why your introduction must catch everyone’s attention.

Stories are another effective form of content. If you can weave a story into your content like videos, posts or blogs, it helps a lot. Stories help get your point through while keeping your audience intrigued. If the audience is intrigued, they will be more engaging.

Infographics are your friend

If your content is information heavy, infographics can be a powerful tool. You can use infographics to convey statistics, data or information in an easy to read way. If done right, infographics can tell your story way more effectively than any other form.

Mobile friendly

About 80% of all internet searches come from mobile devices. That is not a surprise with the surge of smartphones ownership. This means the content you create has to be mobile friendly. If not, you will lose a large volume of audience.


When creating content, there is no way of going around the importance of keyword. Keywords are what search engines use to connect a user to the relevant content. When making content always keep an eye the key word ranking and then choose, this should be done because depending on the keyword you choose, your competition level for search will vary. So you should always keep an eye on the keyword ranking.

Easy to read

People love easy to read content. Something they can read through without trouble. That does not mean you can’t be technical or use jargons, what it means is using heading and sub-headings. Break large parts into smaller parts where you can. Include visuals to get your information through as well.

At Halcyon, our content creators always keep these things in mind when making any content. We look at our clients’ needs and then decide which direction to take. Each content is planned with these parameters in mind. Halcyon takes a lot of care into making each content for each client.