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Different types of contents for social media

With the current landscape of the world, the best place for people and companies to catch the eye customers is social media. Most of the populations of the world are active in social media. Companies have figured out to advertise themselves and their products, social media marketing is irreplaceable. This kind of marketing and advertising is done by making contents to catch the customers’ eyes. Contents are of many types and other aspects must be considered before making it. In this article we will look into these differences.

Written posts

 These are contents like articles, blogs, guides and other forms of writing. The main goal these posts are to show off your company’s knowledge and also raise credibility. Credibility is very important to attract customers. If customers cannot trust you, they will not want to do business with you. The articles and blogs also help show off a company’s expertise. Showing the customers what the company does best or is trying to be known for. When writing, who your audience is, current trends and situations of the world has to be considered. Knowing these things help come up with compelling topics to write about.

Visual contents

Visual content is one of the most preferred methods of advertising. This content is mainly of two types – images and videos.


Image heavy content is the most shareable content right now. This is not surprising as images are one of the oldest forms of communication. If we look at the massive success of instagram, pintrest and facebook, we can see it has been proven that visual content has a lot of staying power. Images help companies tell a story or expand their vision on themselves or products to leave a deep mark on the audiences mind. When using images, make sure the image you choose goes with your mission and end goal. Figure out the audience you are trying to engage before deciding which image to select. Image posts must engage your consumers. The image must be able to capture their attention and excite them. A good image post engages your customers and also endears your brand or product to the customers.


This is another form of visual content. A simple video is cheap and easy to make but the cost can go up depending on the production. Videos draw in consumers as they can be highly personal. Videos allow you’re your customers to connect and interact with your brand more intimately. With the current status of the social media world, it doesn’t look like the consumption of videos is decreasing making this an idle form of content to connect to the customers.


Stories is a new form of content mainly for facebook,instagram and snapchat. These consist of images and short videos that last for 24 hours and afterwards they are gone for good. The ideal use of stories is for companies to make announcements and special offers. Stories can also be used to keep your customer updated on the brand, company or products.

Live videos

During these times of covid, live videos can be an invaluable to companies to hold events and make announcements. This type of content can bring in your audience even if they cannot be there physically. During lock down the use of this type of content to engage with consumers have taken flight. Live streams can also be watched later and will not disappear after 24 hours. In current conditions live streaming has become a go to type of content.


This is the most shared type of content right now. Infographic content has the ability to tell a story with pictures and animation. Infographics gets the point across quickly and is easy to digest. Infographics use visuals to support statistics and other written ideas. It helps present complex ideas in an engaging manner.

At Halcyon we make sure to focus on what kind of content to make for which brand or product. Understanding and choosing the best type of content for our clients is what we do. We make sure to figure out the best content to have the maximum impact on the consumers. Halcyon digital media uses all these types of contents depending on our clients needs, to make sure they get the return they are looking for.