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How often you should boost Facebook posts

In these modern times, companies have shifted to reaching customers themselves and advertising online. Among all the online platforms available, the most preferred one is facebook. With its ad and post boosting systems, Facebook currently has over 50 million active small businesses.  According to your needs, objectives and budget, there are different strategies to Facebook ads. All the strategies have the goal to make sure your post and product reaches the maximum number of people. For a company or business to poroperly utilize the facebook ads option effectively, they must know what to boost and when. In this article we will break down these criteria. 

What posts should you boost?

The main goal of boosting an ad is to increase its reach, making sure more people see your post and encouraging people to visit the website or the facebook page. The posts with the most organic engagement are usually the best option to boost. This is because the boost option takes the people who follow your page and their friends and adds them to the pool of people it will reach. Therefore, if your post has more people engaging with it, it will have a bigger pool of people to reach out to. Facebook also gives it a higher relevancy rate to the posts people are most engaged in, which then allosw facebook to show the post to even more people.

It is also important to know your own base. The post you choose to boost must resonate with the people you want to attract. This ensures the people who see your post like the post, therefore increasing your pool of people the post reaches. It is also important to focus on the art direction and communication of the post. After all, what you are posting is an ad for your product and services. A common practice is to avoid more than 20% writing in any post.

 It is also important to make sure your post is direct. What this means is that for people who see the post, they must easily understand what your information, offer, service or product will do for them. They need to know what they need to do after seeing the post. Setting clear objectives on the post is usually the best way to go. This is why it is better to choose more direct ads or posts to boost.

Ad differences

When and how you should boost posts

A good practice when it concerns the timing of boosting a post, is to let the post have a chance to organically show on your followers’ newsfeeds first. It is wise to capitalize on the organic traction your post gathers before you decide to boost it. So, always wait a few hours at the very least before you decide to boost your post. You should also limit the number of posts you boost. You don’t want to overflow your followers newsfeed. This may cause them to hide your post which is the worst thing that can happen. Boosting works best for brand awareness, new content, feature updates and other posts where the goal is to reach people, rather than convert them.

If sales are the goal, it is better to have a website and use the boost post option to route the followers and audience to the website. If the product or service is not up to the mark, the boosting will not help with conversion. Even if your post is doing well when boosting, if it’s done for too long, the performance of the post declines. This is why the posts should be monitored. If the posts start to decline, it can be stopped immediately. Narrow down the audience of your boosts. You can specify different parameters like sex, age, location, online behavior and others to make sure the post reaches your potential clients. You should also avoid boosting the same post multiple times. Although some evergreen posts may be boosted over and over again, you should avoid boosting it to similar audiences over and over again. Normally a small to medium enterprise has a budget of about $200 dollar for boosting. At Halcyon we prefer to choose the most engaging posts to boost. We make sure to choose a few different posts targeting different audiences. We make sure the posts are to the taste of the audience, and then boost for 15 to 20 days. 

At Halcyon, we understand and stay alert to these differences. We make sure to understand your objectives, and set up boosting periods and ad buying accordingly. We figure out the goal, allocate the creatives and then decide if the post should be boosted for 4 days, 10 days, 20 days or never.