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Boosting vs Facebook Ads : Halcyon Digital Marketing

In this day and age, a business owner has more than one way to advertise their goods and services. If you own a business now, online advertising has to be taken into account. Online advertising market has blown up as social media giants like instagram, youtube and facebook has taken a special interest in making sure business owners can advertise their product or services or even just their company itself, as easily as possible. In this blog we will try to show you the differences between post boosting in facebook and facebook’s ad manager system, so that you and other business owners can understand why facebook ads are more efficient than post boosting.

 Boosted Post

Facebook boosting

A facebook boost post is a style of paid advertisement. It takes one of your existing posts from your business and promotes it to a wider audience. A boost amplifies the post you are boosting to a wider range connecting to people who might not be following your page. A big setback with boosting is it is limited in certain customized settings when compared with facebook ads. A boosted posts range is highly dependent on the level of engagement in the specific posts. That is a big reason why brands and companies don’t always boost and when they do they make sure the post has a high engagement level. Split testing (A/B Testing) is also an issue. Split testing helps you figure what part of your ad resonates with your audience. Boost posts does not allow you to split test your campaign therefore, you cannot get data to improve your campaign over time. Another problem you will face with boosting is the limited audience targeting options. With boost posts your choice audience pool may be smaller and undefined. Boosted posts also has another setback, which is it is optimized for engagements but doesn’t really do anything for your marketing goals. If getting likes and comments is your plan, then boosting might be a good option, but if your goal is to bring in paying customers, boosting helps very little.

Facebook Ads and Manager

Data Metric of facebook ad manager

When you use facebook ad manager to advertise instead of boosting, a whole new world of options opens up for you. Unlike boosting, this allows you to customize almost everything to you and your companies needs. From the range of audience to the placement of the ads you create, all can be specified according to you. Therefore, this allows you and your campaign to be more objective and effective. Here we will describe few of the things facebook ads will provide for you.

Firstly, facebook ad manager helps you use specific ad objective. The sooner you can choose one, sooner you can choose the type of ad campaign that goes with your business goals. While boosted posts helps focus on website clicks and engagements, the full ad system allows you more options. The facebook ad manager system gives you more options such as conversions, lead generations and more. Secondly, it let you choose the placement of your advertisement. This means it allows you to choose if your ad will go as a newsfeed ad, side ad, messenger ad or any other type. Thirdly, it gives you more creative control. An ad created with facebook ad manager you can make an ad that will fit in with your objective. It gives more options such as creating a carousel ad, add specific descriptions and add a call-to-action button that will allow interested customers to take action. Lastly, ad manager has advanced targeting tools. Instead of just targeting audiences by just gender or interests, with ad manager you can use lookalike audiences and also create overlapping audience types. Facebook ad manager allows you to basically break everything down and lets you control all the aspects of your ad from how it should be to where it should go. This allows you to have your ad campaign be more objective and effective. 

At Halcyon we understand the differences. We set your ad campaign according to your objectives using facebook ad so that we can give you a higher percentage of return on ad spent (ROAS). Halcyon will make the grounds to build your campaign on and according to your KPI and needs will bring you the best return on your advertisements.